Nephrology Training

Certificate in Nephrology – Adult Nephrology           

Regulations for the Certificate in Nephrology


On 16th March 2007 a meeting of the Examinations and Credentials Committee of the College accepted an amendment to the examination format proposed by the Society, namely the replacement of the oral examination by an objective short-question written examination, similar to the FCP(SA) exams.

At the 2008 SARS AGM it was further resolved that the objective test would be written in the same week as the basic science and clinical papers, similar to the FCP(SA) exams.

Regarding the Society’s request for increased flexibility with respect to training time, there was support in principle to allow physicians from peripheral hospitals to subspecialize. It is essential that the training is equivalent in all aspects to the traditional 2-year programme: training hours and exposure must be the same; the academic activities must be equivalent; the supervision of the candidate must be of the same standard. In short, the standards must be maintained. The candidate would have to submit a special motivation prior to approval. It was recommended that the Society seeks approval from the HPCSA for the extended period of training.

Certificate in Nephrology – Paediatric Nephrology

Cert Nephrology(SA) Paed Regulations – Nov 2023